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Mom Life

Pregnancy Fashion: Yes, It’s Possible To Be Pregnant AND Stylish

pregnancy fashion

Stylish and pregnant are two words you don’t often find in the same sentence. In decades past, being pregnant meant being relegated to oversized muumuus and hideously styled maternity wear. Luckily, the maternity landscape has gotten better, and nowadays it is possible to look chic and stylish even when you have a bun in the oven. We looked for inspiration from one of our favorite Mommies and Preggos, Jennifer Stano and came up with some

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One Little Black Dress, Three Valentine’s Day Outfits

Little Black Dress Outfits

A little black dress, or LDB as it is sometimes more affectionately known, is a critical part of every gal’s wardrobe. Chief among its appealing attributes is versatility. You can wear a little black dress in almost any situation, from a casual spin through the farmers market to a romantic date. In fact, the right dress can become a wide variety of Valentine’s Day outfits. Check out the three I’ve put together to get some

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Bruschetta Recipe: When You’ve Got Guests, But Don’t Got The Time

Bruschetta Recipe

I absolutely love hosting brunches, luncheons, dinners and anything where friends and family come together with some good food and drinks. While before my daughter I had plenty of time to prep and cook, these days I’m more limited with a 2.5 year old. So, I’ve retired some of my favorite old recipes and replaced them with new super quick and easy ones – this bruschetta recipe is one of them.  It takes me about

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FashionGuest Contributor

French Fashion: 5 Ways To Look French, Without Having To Go To Paris

French Fashion

On this side of the Atlantic, we have an almost obsessive fascination with being French. From eating to etiquette, the grass is apparently greener in the land of baguettes and berets. But one thing captures our attention like no other: French Style. In our minds, life could only be better if we possessed the je ne sais quoi of a Parisienne and were able to emulate the nonchalant uniform of famous French fashion doyennes Emanuelle

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