Bridal Shower Games Your Guests Will Love
Strapped for time and looking for the most entertaining bridal shower games? Here’s a full breakdown with everything you’ll need to DIY your bridal shower games with free printables and instructions for your host to read. Just right click on the images, save and print on regular 8.5 x 11 paper.

1. Macaron Tasting Game
What you need | Macarons, blindfolds + Guess the Macaron Printable
Helpers | 2 people to blindfold and hand out cards and pencils
Instructions for MC to announce:
The bride and groom go dessert tasting for their wedding. Which flavors will they choose for the big day? You will all be blindfolded and given macarons to taste. Whoever gets the most flavors right, wins. Write your answers on the fill out cards between each round. I need 4 volunteers to come to the front. If you have a sweet-tooth, this is your game. Come on up!
2. Not Your Ordinary Musical Chairs
What you need | Music + list of items
Helpers | Venue staff to set up chairs
List of items | Hair tie, American express card, lotion, advil, chapstick, perfume, black shoe, red lipstick
Instructions for MC to announce:
This is not your ordinary musical chairs. When the music stops an item will be announced. Use the rest of your table mates to retrieve the item and come to back to the dance-floor to find an empty seat. I need one volunteer from each table.

3. Guess The Love Song
What you need | The DJ, Pencils + Guess the Love Song Printable
Helpers | 4 people to pass out index cards
Instructions for MC to announce:
Everyone gets to play the next game. How well do you know your love songs? Everyone should have a fill out card in front of you. The DJ will play snippets of love songs. If you know the name of the song or the artist, write it down. The one with the most. You can receive a bonus point by putting a star next to the song that you think will be the couples first dance song at the wedding.
Sample Song List:
- Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You – Franki Valli
- Everything – Michael Buble
- All of Me – John Legend
- I Wanna Love You Forever – Jessica Simpson
- Marry You – Bruno Mars
- I’m Yours – Jason Mraz
- At Last – Eva James
4. Toilet Paper Bridal Gown
What you need | 8 Toilet paper
Helpers | Pass out toilet paper
Instructions for MC to announce:
Fashion forward ladies, report to the dance-floor. This is your chance to show off your talents. We need 8 participants for this game. Each participant will choose a model and create a gown using toilet paper. You have ten minutes to make your gown. Ready, set, go!
Once everyone’s gowns are ready, ask all the models to line up near the dance-floor. At this time, the host will announce each person and the crowd will cheer for their favorite design. The model and designer with the most cheer wins.

5. Pass the Prize to Win the Centerpiece
What you need | Bath Sponges + Pass the Prize Printable
Helpers | Pass out bath sponges
Instructions for MC to announce:
You will be playing this game with the people on your table. The prize is the centerpiece. You will receive a bath sponge and carefully listen to the instructions I’m about to read. The last one with the sponge wins.

6. Bridal and Groom Trivia
What you need | Pencils + Bride and Groom Trivia Printable
Helpers | 4 people to pass out the emoji cards
Tip | Place the fill-out cards upside down and don’t start the game until everyone one.
Instructions for MC to announce:
So you think you know the bride and groom? Let’s see how well. The first one to finish and get the most answers correct will win.
7. Bridal Shower Bridal Emoji
What you need | Pencils and Printable Emoji Cards
Helpers | 4 people to pass out the emoji cards
Instructions for MC to announce:
You all have an emoji fill-out card in front of you. You’ll have 5 minutes to guess the phrases on the sheet. The first one to finish and get the most answers correctly will win. Whatever you do, don’t use your phones. You’ll get disqualified.
Grading instructions:
Put your name on the answer cards and pass it to the lady sitting to your right. As the answers are being announced, grade your neighbors sheet and write the number they got correct on the top right of their sheet.