Over the knee boots outfit
I just can’t even begin describing how bipolar the weather has been lately! We hiked up to the 80s this week, and now we’re back to showers this weekend (smh). As comfy and cozy as winter-wear can get, I needed to spice things up a bit to sooth my soul of the dimmed sunshine. It’s so cliche I know, but I am that LA girl at heart who gets a little weirded out when the clouds turn 50 shades of grey. To lift my spirits, I whipped out my sexy over the knee boots that I recently got from Chinese Laundry. I definitely feel like a million bucks when I roam the streets in these lust-worthy heels.
I think every woman’s closet needs a pair of over the knee boots and here’s why. One of the most desirable things on a women are her legs but let’s face it, we’re not all blessed with long ones. The beauty of fashion is that you can play up or play down your favorite assets, and most importantly use different pieces of clothing or shoes to elevate and express your inner self. Use your knee high boots as your BFFs to create the illusion of longer legs, whether you wear them with a dress, skirt, or pants.
In this outfit, I’m wearing a satin shirt dress from H&M paired with a western-style belt from ASOS. My sunglasses are Karen Walker Starbursts from Ditto.com and the dainty gold necklaces are from AnarchyStreet.
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