Around here, we believe the most important meal of the day should also be the most fun. I love creating fun breakfast plates for my daughter because the cuter they look the faster she eats them. Of course, I don’t always get to do this because of time constraints but I try my best, or opt for the faster ideas. I want to share some of my favorite breakfast ideas for kids, in hopes that it will make your little one’s breakfast more fun and relieve some of that Momma stress we all experience when it comes to feeding time. These 10 fun breakfast ideas can help you take an ordinary breakfast item (like a waffle, pancake, sunny-side up egg) and turn it into a morning treat. Just remember, you DON’T have to make these perfect – it’s the idea that counts so as long as they look the part you shouldn’t worry about perfecting all the little details.
What You’ll Need:
This little turtle is super easy to make. You can either use a store bought waffle or one from scratch. Just cut from the bottom to create a straight line and use your banana to create the turtle’s head, feet and tail. You can decorate around the turtle however you’d like, I created a “nature” scene with some apples, berries and melon.
What You’ll Need:
Last month I came across a research study that was presented at this year’s Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting. The research showed that kids are more likely to eat their meals (even meals with healthy ingredients like veggies) when they are presented with a smiley face. And what better way to eat your eggs than to scramble them into a smile! Making this smiley face takes the same amount of time as a regular egg scramble and all you need is this mold. Just heat butter/olive oil in a non-stick pan and put the mold in for a minute or two, scramble your eggs and pour it into the mold. The result is the smiliest breakfast your little one will ever eat. Note: you can also use this mold for pancakes.
What You’ll Need:
Use the cookie molds to cut the bread into cute shapes. Set them aside and make the french toast batter. Warm up the butter/oilve oil in a non-stick pan and dip the shapes into your batter as you would with regular french toast and cook them over the pan until they are slightly browned (I like mine a little crispy). Then sprinkle some powdered sugar and decorate with berries for added fun.
What You’ll Need:
How cute is this scene? This sunny-side up egg mold allows you to create a sun in the clouds, and the scene you create with it is up to your imagination. I made the one that was pictured on the box. Melt the butter/olive oil in a non-stick pan and place the mold inside for a minute or two. Meanwhile, separate the egg yolk and egg white and pour the yolk into the round part of the mold and the egg white into the cloud part of the mold. Cook it as desired. Next, cut the cheddar cheese to create the rays of the sun, the broccoli florets to make trees, and the olives to create flying birds for an outdoor scene. This is one of the most versatile of the kids’ breakfast ideas because you can use it to create tons of fun scenes.
What You’ll Need:
When it comes to breakfast ideas for kids, this is our go-to because bagel and lox are my daughter’s favorite breakfast. And, when I make it like this she devours it in under 5 minutes! Spread some cream cheese and then add lox. On top of the lox you can layer avocados, cucumbers, and herbs to make it look like a green grassy field (here I used dill). As for the ladybugs, they are super easy to make. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, then use a small pairing knife to cut a v-shape in the center to create the illusion of ladybug wings. Cut the ends of a black olive and use them as the ladybug’s head and finish off by putting little black olive spots and cream cheese dots as the eyes on these super cute ladybugs.
What You’ll Need:
This is one of the fun breakfast ideas that is super easy and healthy too. Simply boil the eggs and run them under cold water, then peel them once they have cooled. Meanwhile, prepare an ice bath (a bowl of water + ice). Place the peeled eggs in the molds and close the molds tightly. Put the molds in the ice bath for about 10 minutes and then open to reveal fun shapes of boiled eggs. Note: make sure you use medium sized eggs, if the eggs are too small they may not fill up the entire mold and part of the final animal/object will be missing.
What You’ll Need:
The picture says it all here. Place your croissant on a plate and use the carrots as the crab’s legs and claws (use a small pairing knife to cut a V into a piece of carrot to create the claws). Put some cream cheese inside the holes of the black pitted olives for the eyes and use your tomato to create that happy face that kids love.
What You’ll Need:
Here, you can use ready made pancakes or make them from scratch. You can do this with one pancake or several. Cut the pancake in the center and have them face each other like mirror-images, flip one over, then place a berry in the middle of the two pieces to create the butterfly’s body. Spread some jam or anything else to make the butterflies colorful and use the berries to decorate the wings. Then cut the strawberries into strips for the antennae.
What You’ll Need:
Melt some butter/olive oil in your non-stick pan and make a sunny side up egg – if possible centering your egg yolk. I like to use this little pan because it creates a near perfect circle shape. Meanwhile cook your bacon, I always bake mine in the oven and then drain all the fat. Once your egg is done, use the bacon to create bunny ears and a mouth, cut the cheddar cheese into strips for the bunny whiskers and use the ends of the olives as the eyes. Then you’ve got yourself one of the cutest and funniest breakfast ideas for kids.
What You’ll Need:
Toast your bread or leave it as is. Spread some peanut butter on it (you can also put jam or jelly and then the peanut butter on top). Cut the banana to create the bear’s ears and nose, as shown. Place a blueberry on top of the banana nose and one for each eye. Lastly, cut two thin strips of bananas to use as the bear’s mouth. And voila, you’re done with one of the easiest kids breakfast ideas.
Be sure to check our coupons page to save on the items I used to bring these breakfasts to life. I’ll be working on some fun lunch ideas soon. In the meanwhile, I bid you happy breakfast mornings with your babies.
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This so cute and fun